Friday, January 27, 2012

Family Values

It is so interesting when asking someone about their family and what makes them who they are. Family is a dominant determinant of who we become. Our role in our own families often play into who we are outside of that unit. The first born that is a girl and helps mom with the other kids learns organization and leadership and outside the family she may want to play that same role. This can be a good thing when it is needed but can cause frustration, for both parties, when it isn't needed in a certain situation. We are results of our upbringing. This also translates to the classes and status that a family may or may not hold. We are taught values that are either acceptable by society or not. We have chances to become more accepted than  than our families were or are but that doesn't mean that our interpretations of others has changed as well. What are the values that our families have taught? Was is hard-work? was it the importance of material things? Was it the importance of education? Was it humor? Joy? Love? Service?
I know that my family view is unique; my brothers and sister may have similar views of what was taught but I think that the experience that I had with the Bleazard's is specific to the youngest child. I think that my family taught maturity, self-confidence, independence, hard-work, and love. I was always good enough and was always loved despite the failures that I experienced. I was never a disappointment to my parents and I believe that the standards have been set by me to become my best. I have potential and that is what has set the bar. My parents always have expected greatness from me, not because of the way we would look to others, but because they know my potential. I know because of my parents that I can only obtain greatness and excellence through hard work. I know that others respect is earned by showing confidence and maturity, not by showing off or bragging. I have been taught to love others and show them respect whether it hard or easy.
What does this mean?
I am who I am because of my upbringing. The values that I hold in my heart and are apart of me are from my parents and ancestors. My family is unique and others are just as special. Do we see all other families as special? I am not going to lie, I don't. I classify my family high above many others. That isn't christ-like though. I need to find goodness in all families and recognize that my family is flawed. We tendencies that aren't supportive to the progression towards heaven. Possibly humility. :-)

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